Putting together a trial meet for a test run, my vision is monthly to start then if we get interest taking it either weekly or bi-weekly.
The ideal spot would have been Ace Cafe, however since they are now defunct & the space bulldozed for new construction, well.... I'm thinking the east side of Orlando maybe around the Fashion Square area. A lot of car meets use various plazas, one that I used to attend had Smokey Bones on east 50 as a hub site. Also Del Dio's pizza in the same shopping plaza group used to discount, so they may be a starter if I talk to the owner. The food at Del Dio's is top-notch.
That's just a toss-out, I'm open to different sites & restaurants. I'm thinking Wednesday evenings, meet at 7, restaurant between 8 and 8:30, that gets everyone out by 10 PM or a bit earlier. A logical construct given the theme of the restaurants would be to find an Outback to sponsor us, but that may be a bit pricy given today's inflated food prices. I'm not sure if there's any other restaurants in the Orlando area with an Aussie theme....
I intend on opening this up to Central Florida G8, SS, and GTO guys as well. Essentially a CFL Holden meet.

So, if you're interested respond in this thread.