Orlando area meet - calling interested owners!

Upcoming events (car shows, racing, meets, conferences, etc....) of interest to our community. Also forum member meetups - either solo to Caprices or with other car groups such as informal cruise-in's, etc....
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Orlando area meet - calling interested owners!

Post by elc32955 »

OK folks, since I brought the subject up I'll put my money where my considerably-sized mouth is! CALLING ALL EAST CENTRAL FLORIDA CAPRICE OWNERS!

Putting together a trial meet for a test run, my vision is monthly to start then if we get interest taking it either weekly or bi-weekly.

The ideal spot would have been Ace Cafe, however since they are now defunct & the space bulldozed for new construction, well.... I'm thinking the east side of Orlando maybe around the Fashion Square area. A lot of car meets use various plazas, one that I used to attend had Smokey Bones on east 50 as a hub site. Also Del Dio's pizza in the same shopping plaza group used to discount, so they may be a starter if I talk to the owner. The food at Del Dio's is top-notch.

That's just a toss-out, I'm open to different sites & restaurants. I'm thinking Wednesday evenings, meet at 7, restaurant between 8 and 8:30, that gets everyone out by 10 PM or a bit earlier. A logical construct given the theme of the restaurants would be to find an Outback to sponsor us, but that may be a bit pricy given today's inflated food prices. I'm not sure if there's any other restaurants in the Orlando area with an Aussie theme....

I intend on opening this up to Central Florida G8, SS, and GTO guys as well. Essentially a CFL Holden meet. :) I'll let it circulate a few days here before I go expeditioning to the other forums. There's a Florida Caprice Facebook owners group I'll stick it up on as well. Date for the first meet is not set yet, it'll be dictated by the responses we see.

So, if you're interested respond in this thread.

System Manager and your tour guide for the day. 2015 Caprice w/LFX, former NC DPS staff car. Partial hybrid G8/SS/Camaro SS interior mods, SS MyLink radio upgrade, 2016 Camaro V6 rims, GMPP Malibu chrome exhaust tips, otherwise bone stock for now.
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Re: Orlando area meet - calling interested owners!

Post by elc32955 »

Update - I was just over on the Florida Caprice owners Facebook group and a group of PPV owners called the Central Florida PPV Collectors are doing a driving meet. Appx. 6-hours duration, begins at 9:00 AM Sunday, April 14 at the Burger King Old Town, 5760 Irlo Bronson Hwy (SR 192), Kissimmee. No idea on the route currently. They request an acknowledgement on FB if you plan on attending.

System Manager and your tour guide for the day. 2015 Caprice w/LFX, former NC DPS staff car. Partial hybrid G8/SS/Camaro SS interior mods, SS MyLink radio upgrade, 2016 Camaro V6 rims, GMPP Malibu chrome exhaust tips, otherwise bone stock for now.
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Re: Orlando area meet - calling interested owners!

Post by elc32955 »

Two weeks & no responses. SO... are all of you Central Florida guys real & in circulation, or are your cars up on blocks in your garages or inhabiting barns to be featured on TV specials in the year 2040 or thereabouts on the "Creaky Classics" roadshow? :) Or should I just slink back into my corner and keep mumbling to myself..... lol!

System Manager and your tour guide for the day. 2015 Caprice w/LFX, former NC DPS staff car. Partial hybrid G8/SS/Camaro SS interior mods, SS MyLink radio upgrade, 2016 Camaro V6 rims, GMPP Malibu chrome exhaust tips, otherwise bone stock for now.
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Re: Orlando area meet - calling interested owners!

Post by Groundczero »

I live in South Brevard so something in Orlando is 2-3 hour drive round trip. But I might be willing to host a smaller event at my vineyard.
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Re: Orlando area meet - calling interested owners!

Post by elc32955 »

Thanks very much! We'll see what kind of response we get, the other forums are pretty bleak right now. So far only one GTO guy is interested, no G8 or SS. The majority of the owners appear to be solidly rooted in Facebook.

This could turn out to be a small Space Coast Caprice meet if nothing else....

System Manager and your tour guide for the day. 2015 Caprice w/LFX, former NC DPS staff car. Partial hybrid G8/SS/Camaro SS interior mods, SS MyLink radio upgrade, 2016 Camaro V6 rims, GMPP Malibu chrome exhaust tips, otherwise bone stock for now.
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Re: Orlando area meet - calling interested owners!

Post by Stumpy6.0 »

I went to the Orlando FFL guns cars and coffee as well as the Orlando car club meet last night and my car got a lot of attention “what is that thing?” Mostly maybe piggy backing on another event would be a good idea
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Re: Orlando area meet - calling interested owners!

Post by Stumpy6.0 »

The modern muscle night at old town is every friday and our ppvs fit the bill imho
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Re: Orlando area meet - calling interested owners!

Post by elc32955 »

Have no problem at all doing that, as long as it's germane to our cars. We used to attend the G8 meets and the Euro Alliance meets, mainly because our cars had an Australian heritage and they were accepted there. Ace Cafe in Orlando would have been perfect... but... they closed. Bleh.

I've tried like heck to get interest in a meet and most all of the old time folks no longer use forums, but have moved to Facebook. Apparently no one really copies the mail from the still-running forums to read stuff that might be of local interest anymore. We used to have good times with the G8 and SS guys here in Florida, shame that went by the wayside.
System Manager and your tour guide for the day. 2015 Caprice w/LFX, former NC DPS staff car. Partial hybrid G8/SS/Camaro SS interior mods, SS MyLink radio upgrade, 2016 Camaro V6 rims, GMPP Malibu chrome exhaust tips, otherwise bone stock for now.
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Re: Orlando area meet - calling interested owners!

Post by Stumpy6.0 »

Are they still actively doing ss and g8 meetups ?
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