Bye-bye mChat. Hello..... "THE WALL"

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System Manager
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Joined: Thu Nov 29, 2012 10:32 am
Location: East Central Florida

Bye-bye mChat. Hello..... "THE WALL"

Post by elc32955 »

Hey everyone...

Well, everything must change, and it's my job as your warm fuzzy System Manager to give you new and interesting system features to attract your attention, provide you a venue to express yourself, all of those kind of things. The mChat module took up our virtual real estate and organized chats just weren't cutting it anymore. I was looking at other systems and it occurred to me that we did have other possibilities for use of the baseline software. So, I give you..... THE WALL!!

Post up anything you like. What you're doing, what was for dinner, your plans for the week/weekend, how much of your bottle you burned at the track, anything except obviously Verboten content or topics. We won't moderate WALL posts except if a post transcends decency or blatantly crosses system rule boundaries.

The wall is always open 24/7/365 and it's here to give us your random stream of thoughts. So.... have at it!

System Manager and your tour guide for the day. 2015 Caprice w/LFX, former NC DPS staff car. Partial hybrid G8/SS/Camaro SS interior mods, SS MyLink radio upgrade, 2016 Camaro V6 rims, GMPP Malibu chrome exhaust tips, otherwise bone stock for now.
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