Long story short I had to discharge and open up the ac system to change some lines. Since the system was open I want to change the desiccant bag. I looked at the ALLData information and from what I could see it looks like it's accessed from the top of the condenser on the passenger side of the car however it does not look like that is the access point. The stupid question is is the desiccant bag accessed from the top or the bottom ?? If it's the bottom any tricks to getting at it ??
stupid a/c question
Re: stupid a/c question
its hard to tell from the GM parts diagram , it shows top , but the plug part of the receiver dryer looks to be on the bottom
Re: stupid a/c question
Thanks for the help . diagrams are confusing but every condenser I've seen out of the car seems to have the access on the bottom
Re: stupid a/c question
Depends on the vintage. I believe the 11’s have the fitting on the top of the condenser for the desiccant replacement and the 12-17’s have the fitting on the bottom.
Re: stupid a/c question
So I changed the filter today and the access is definitely on the bottom condenser has to come out to have decent access. Removing the condenser is both a wrestling match and the reinstall as a jigsaw puzzle due to all the coolers lines etcetera that are in these cars what lays over what and goes under the other Etcetera Etcetera.
A word to the Wise we all should know this including me . I should know better but never ever ever ever ever put a sealer in the air conditioning I did it last year to get myself out of a jam quickly and what a mess
A word to the Wise we all should know this including me . I should know better but never ever ever ever ever put a sealer in the air conditioning I did it last year to get myself out of a jam quickly and what a mess
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