New Caprice Shirt

Folks, Adam is here for all your vehicle graphics, T-Shirt, and custom sticker/printing needs. Excellent products, awesome quality, and years of dedication to the Chevrolet car forum communities. Formerly known as MaximuSS Graphics and also a former PPV owner.
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New Caprice Shirt

Post by Maximuss »

Here is my finished product.... 14 shirt colors and 20 logo colors to choose from....
You can get the direct from me or on Ebay or Itsy
capriceppv.jpg (16.46 KiB) Viewed 28577 times
Adam Haack
Owner- CarmaHawk Creations
9-time Caprice owner
1998 Tahoe 2door-2wd
2012 White PPV 6.0 SOLD :(
1991 Caprice LT1 swapped “Capricious”
t-shirt and vinyl decals maker
1991 Olds very Custom Cruiser 350...
1996 Roadie convertible wagon
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