Recent updates on the New Caprice website!

Recent updates on the New Caprice website

This page details the most recent changes/additions/enhancements made to the overall New Caprice website.

  • 12/20/24 - I added the Australian 2017 Holden Caprice owners manual today to the files section. We have a lot of owners that have modified their cars and the PPV owners guide does not reflect how to operate certain features. This manual does.
  • 7/1/24, 8:15 pm EDT - The forum is temporary down. We were having issues with an extension and in trying to get it to operate correctly for some reason it has stalled the board. I've requested a restore from the period right before it was enabled, hopefully this will cure the issue & we'll be back up & running. UPDATE 10:45 pm EDT - we're back and running in full service, our webhost just reloaded from the last system backup atound 6 PM today and it wiped out the offending code. All is once again well.
  • 5/31/24 4:00 PM EDT - I have reopened the NewCaprice Forum section to guest read access. Our maintenance activities are complete enough to allow for the additional read traffic. In Navy terms, "Operating as before".

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